
There is no “correct path” to wellness nor only one that works for everyone. Claudia and her colleagues listen closely to what you have to say. What modalities will play a part in your journey are based on what you say about yourself—your goals and beliefs, what draws you, and what doesn’t.

Below are some methods and concepts that inform the work of Bridgepath.

Transformational Spaces

Transformation is the act in which you change in form, nature, or character. It is a process in which you learn something new or are so affected by something—an experience, event, conversation—that you restyle yourself into something new, more authentic. As the caterpillar needs its cocoon to transform, we humans need environments that enable and support your natural evolution. 

We create transformational spaces as a refuge to encourage creativity and experimentation. Rather than being invested in outcomes, the emphasis is on the process. 

Bridgepath facilitates these environments so you, too, can begin to transform and redesign your life!

Yoga, Meditation, Mindful Movement, Creative Play & Expressive Arts

There is no age limit on who can benefit from a curriculum based on creative arts and playfulness and movement. 

Creativity and play empower, bring joy, loosen body and mind, and support healthy living. Our eclectic multimodal approach i designed to build coping skills and aid in handle situations that once caused stress, anxiety, and panic. A playful and creative approach can support self-esteem, encourage growth and the development of new life skills, and resiliency.  

Yoga and Embodied Therapies

Yoga, meaning to “yoke”. It is the process which bridges conscious awareness to the physical body, emotions, thoughts, memories, dreams, and fantasies. Uniting intention, breath and movement together with unbounded consciousness one loses the sense perception of separation and develop a sence of unity and compassion with all that is.

Cognitive Therapies

Claudia is a licensed psychiatric social worker and uses an eclectic mix of strength based, person centered, harms reduction interdisciplinary and integrative therapies which informs her work with individuals and groups.

Cognitive therapies

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Cognitive therapies, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are based on the interconnectedness of thoughts, feelings, and actions and the understanding that negative thoughts and beliefs affect you negatively and create unhappy outcomes. By shifting your perception, you can improve your emotional life, develop healthy coping strategies, experience growth so as to release anxiety and depression. 

Indigenous Wisdom

Transformation is a sacred journey, a profound shift in our being that reshapes our essence and redefines our path. At Bridgepath, we draw upon the the rich tapestry and ancient wisdom of Colombia's indigenous heritage and traditions. We facilitate experiences that awaken your spirit, guide you on a transformative voyage and fostering a deep connection to spirituality, nature, Mother Earth, and the divine.

Our emphasis lies not in predefined outcomes, but in the profound journey of self-discovery and growth. We invite you to embark on a journey of reconnecting with the sacredness within yourself and the world around you.